Our story began one hot summer night in Pretoria during December 2000. My wife, Julie had a dream, woke me up and took me outside at 04h00 in the morning to show me our front yard. Whilst pointing a finger at the front yard she said: “I know you are a farmer at heart. Use this ground for something.” The front yard consisted of two pieces of lawn separated by the entrance motor pathway. On the fringes of the lawn were planted Karee and Lilac trees. The size of the two pieces of lawn together was 155 square meters or 1.5% of a hectare.
Get in touch for your garlic seeds and more
Garlic is always propagated from garlic cloves. The time to plant garlic is crucial for the success of cultivation. In our experience garlic can be planted in the summer rainfall areas at the beginning of March through to April or when the weather starts cooling down.
When the green tops start growing, by all means give a nitrogen rich fertiliser, but not when the plant starts forming it’s bulbs, then you want nutrients that will assist the bulbing.
Stop watering 2 weeks before harvesting, you do not want to harvest wet muddy garlic! You will know your garlic is ready when you have 6 – 8 green leaves present and the bottom ones are brown and shrivelled.